"Samoan Art and Artists reflects the energy of modern Samoan culture, where the evolution of traditional and contemporary art forms are completely intertwined, and where the past continues to inform and inspire a rich future" 

Saen Mallon 2002

Ka Mua Ka Muri 2019-2020

This was my contribution to a group project run in 2019 to help Cannons Creek envision its future.  More information about the project :

Siapo project Linden 2019

A collaborative project run by Ruth Robertson-Taylor and myself with the students of Tawa intermediate arts academy and there amazing teacher Linda Lewry. It was the brainchild of Denise Byarugaba of Wellington city council and was designed to establish the former Linden hall as a community hub. 

Waitangirua Oasis cafe mural 2018

Oasis Cafe is a community cafe that is at the center of the vibrant Waitangirua community.  The mural represents Tipi Mana Te Maunga and is about the hospitality of the great gardener Te Ukaipo of Maraeroa Maraee.

Ferry Place Mural 2014

A collaborative piece created with Jack Kirifi, Jules Kaui, Viliamu Leiataua-Finau, Bob Johnson, and Victoria Baird.  It's about the harbor and it formerly abundant kaimoana.

Roller door 2016

This was created as part of a group project celebrating migration to Porirua.  This piece marks the Pacifica migration into Porirua. 

Freedom House: Isaiah 61, 2007

This illustrates the foundation scripture of freedom house. 

Revelation, Hope center

Depicting the torn curtains of the Tabernacle at the crucifixion.

Created by liana Leiataua 2020
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